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#Tashtag. Got any good hashtag puns for fundraisers?

Howard Lake | 9 November 2011 | Blogs

I was amused to spot that the Movember campaign is being promoted on Twitter with the hashtag pun ‘#tashtag’. It made me wonder if there are any other examples of fundraising-related puns on the word ‘hashtag’.
I came up with a few of my own:
* #cashtag (appropriate for any fundraising campaign)
* #fashtag (for a charity fashion fundraising event)
* #dashtag (for a charity Santa run perhaps)
* #washtag (clothes donated to a charity shop?)
Although I like #tashtag my favourite is probably #ashtag, which appeared in the wake of ash cloud caused by the eruption of an Icelandic volcano in April 2010.
So, have you spotted any other clever and humorous hashtags by charities in fundraising campaigns?

