Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

CAF handles a record £378m in donations

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) last year processed £378 million in donations by individuals and companies, the highest amount ever distributed in its 80 year history.
The figure, published today in CAF’s 2010/11 annual report and accounts, is £12million more than in 2009/10. The increase primarily came from major donors who gave away over £102 million from their CAF Charitable Trusts, 25% more than the previous year. During the year CAF opened 174 new CAF Charitable Trust accounts for major donors.
Donors deposited £448 million of new charitable funds into CAF accounts, and CAF reclaimed a record £52 million in Gift Aid. This tops up the sum available to donors in their CAF account, enabling them to donate even more.
CAF managed donations given to charitable projects in 93 countries around the world and CAF Bank made payments to 132 countries on behalf of charity customers.
The charity also processed over £80 million in Give As You Earn payroll giving donations to 13,196 charities. Companies themselves gave £65.5 million to charities through CAF Company Accounts and fundraising accounts.
CAF Venturesome offered £2.5 million in loans to charities, social enterprises and community land trusts bringing the total amount offered to over £20 million since the fund launched in 2002.
John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “The past year exceeded our expectations. Given the challenging financial climate for charities it’s particularly pleasing to see such generosity.”

