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100 years of charity collecting experience in one booklet

Alexandra Rose, the charity that works with charities and community organisations to help them to raise funds, has published a new Collection Advice booklet. Claiming to be the first charity to carry out street collections, Alexandra Rose says that the booklet draws on nearly 100 years of collecting experience.
After obtaining your collecting permit or licence, the booklet offers a step by step guide on the best way to organise your collection – advising on street collections, local authority badges, supermarket collections, station collections, London underground collections and house to house. It also suggests how to generate more donations, write a press release and many other aspects of successful fundraising.
Alexandra Rose helps over 300 charities across the UK with their fundraising. It helps small charities by taking on every aspect of setting up a collection – from the initial procurement of permits, the supplying of equipment such as badges and buckets, the procedure of reporting results back to local councils – to expert and advice and backup.
The new collecting booklet is available from en*******@al***********.uk

