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Charity text fundraising training day

Howard Lake | 31 March 2011 | News

A training day organised by the Mobile Data Association for fundraisers interested in the use of charity text fundraising will be held on 24th May 2011 at the offices of the industry regulator Phonepay Plus in London. The Mobile Data Association ( is the industry organisation that negotiated and introduced the charity text donation framework.
The event is open to charities of all sizes and will cover everything from the basics of text donation to how text donation fits into a donor care and fundraising strategy. The event will also cover competitions and other uses of text.
Sponsored by PhonepayPlus, the Premium Rate Regulator, and Bates Wells & Braithwaite, one of the foremost Charity legal advisers, this MDA event will draw upon the experience and expertise of the industry, case studies and tutorial sessions to equip the charities with all they need to start reaping the benefit of Charitable Donations by Text.
Attendees will:
* Learn about text donations in the marketing mix
* Learn how to implement and market the facility
* Understand the regulatory requirements with a talk from the regulator
* Learn about the legal framework with a talk from Bates Wells and Braithwaite
* Review case studies from campaigns
* Have an introduction to the aggregator community
The training day is not a “sales event” and the MDA is independent organisation that represents the interests of the industry as opposed to any one aggregator or service provider.
Places may be booked at:
Contact: ro**********@th****.org

