CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA launches online and offline affiliate programme for charities

Howard Lake | 17 May 2010 | News has launched an affiliate shopping partnership to help charity supporters raise funds for their charity both when they shop online and offline.
It has partnered with over 40 retailers who offer affiliate programmes, ranging from high street shops to supermarkets, hotels, chemists, florists and jewellers. Any charity, sports club, church group or nursery school can register with and then encourage their supporters to shop via their dedicated link to the site.
Alternatively, members can use a prepaid debit card to shop at retailers and generate income for their charity. Whether online or offline, Simpy Fundraising automatically collects the agreed donation amount from each of the businesses supporters spend with, and send the total amount to their chosen cause on a monthly basis.
The card is operated by Mastercard. Simply Fundraising pay all the costs of producing and running supporters’ card, using the fees they charge their business partners. They make a charge of 50p each time a card is topped up, but this is added to your chosen top-up amount.
Founders Tony Croft and Dennis Lawrence, said: “Analysis of our members’ use has shown that if a cause attracts 10 supporters using their Simply Fundraising Members Card on a regular basis they could raise over £2,500 per year, which is a fantastic amount, generated freely and easily”.

