Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Oxfam Outreach volunteers respond to Haiti's plea

Howard Lake | 8 February 2010 | News

Oxfam Outreach volunteers at a fundraising event for Haiti

During a cold February evening something pretty special happened at Bar Music Hall in Shoreditch. A group of volunteers mostly comprising of members from Oxfams London Outreach campaigning group got together to arrange a Haiti benefit concert in under 10 days.
Damien Clarkson from KnowHow Nonprofit Co-Organised the event titled Outreach4Haiti and had this to say on the project.
“The disaster in Haiti has left millions homeless, basics such food and water are in chronic shortage. This event demonstrated the power of collaboration online between a large number of people who didn’t know each other but shared the same belief that they had to act to help improve living conditions for the people of Haiti. The passion of the other volunteers who helped and generosity of those in attendance was astounding and a real indication of the social responsibility the British public has demonstrated thus far to this crisis”.
Outreach4Haiti saw a great effort from all volunteers who had their own set of skills and pulled on contacts in order to get a variety of things to help, ranging from free raffle gifts to a great venue and set of bands. The event was a major success with over 150 attendees raising £1199.41 towards Oxfam’s Haiti Earthquake appeal.
The bands were well received especially newly signed to Band Republic Headspace, who were receiving encore requests come the end of their set.
If you were unable to attend the event and would like to contribute there is still time to give, please visit
About the Event:
Outreach4Haiti- Are a group of volunteers most of whom volunteer for Oxfam London outreach group. They pulled together to arrange the Outreach4Haiti concert in under 10 days and raised £1999.41. If you would like to contact them you can do so by emailing Damien Clarkson at da*************@ya***.uk or da***************@ci**.uk
Bands and comedians who performed at the gig included:
Stickman Army (
Hannah White (
Headspace ( – JUST SIGNED to Band Republic:
Dead Cannons (
Please visit Oxfam’s ‘Haiti: Drop the Debt’ campaign, calling on the International Monetary Fund to cancel Haiti’s debt:

