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Julian H and Josie Robertson, the US billionaire collectors and philanthropists, are donating 15 works of art, worth $1

Hmm, not sure how useful this is, but I have just spotted another wee item re New Zealand, this time in Wealth Bulletin – has reported that Julian H and Josie Robertson, the US billionaire collectors and philanthropists, are donating 15 works of art, worth $115m (€84.4m), to the Auckland Art Gallery ( Apparently, the gift comprises late 19th to mid-20th century paintings by famous European artists – Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and Paul Cezanne for example. The gallery reports that it is the largest made till date to an art museum in Australasia. It would appear that in 2006, the Auckland Art Gallery organised an exhibition of 12 works from the Robertson collection, also shown another venue, and that six of those works are included in the gift. The gallery reports that The Robertsons “have had a lifelong love affair with New Zealand … and love Auckland”.

Have the Robertsons been to see you recently? Do you have any other wealthy international visitors?

Finbar Cullen


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