CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

Why are people cancelling direct debits in this recession?

Some my larger clients report that they, and others, are experiencing the cancellation of direct debits; which did not happen in the last two recessions on any scale. Indeed, those with direct debits, standing orders and those using other committed giving mechanisms were the backbone of their individual income streams.
My conjecture (and I would be very interested in your views on this) is that the most effective organisations have now moved committed giving far from their hard core supporters to the softer multitude who just do not care so much. So, those cancelling in this recession are not just the few who have lost their jobs; but those, for example, on fixed mortgages who are simply trying to reduce their debts.
Any views?
Howard Lake signs up to donate by Direct Debit to the Fundraisers Fund

