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Money Saving Expert backs Meningitis Trust's Gift Aid campaign

Howard Lake | 11 March 2009 | News

Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert
Martin Lewis

Personal finance expert Martin Lewis, publisher of the “consumer revenge” site MoneySavingExpert.com, is supporting the Meningitis Trust in its campaign to urge people to use Gift Aid when donating funds to its work.
The broadcaster, journalist and author is well known for his advice on saving money and on how to survive the current recession.
The Meningitis Trust estimates that it could generate an extra £100,000 if everyone who has donated to the charity in the past six years – and is a UK tax payer – sent in a completed Gift Aid declaration.
Martin Lewis said: “Gift Aid is an absolute no-brainer. If you’re giving money to the Meningitis Trust, use Gift Aid – it gets an extra 25p per pound on top. There’s nothing dodgy; it’s a scheme which means the charity can get your tax back from the government, and it doesn’t cost you a penny.
“So unless you’re not a UK taxpayer, simply provide your name, address and declare that you’re a UK taxpayer and you get to give much more cash, without much more cost. Simple!”
Sue Davie, Chief Executive of the Meningitis Trust, said: “We are very grateful for the support of Martin Lewis with this campaign, because if anyone knows how to get more for your money, it’s him! We just hope that people will remember to tick the box and fill in the information when they’re raising money for us, as it will help us enormously.”

