Ireland fundraising survey launched

Howard Lake | 10 February 2009 | News

Irish Charities Tax Research and the Ireland Funds have commissioned the Centre for Nonprofit Management, Trinity College Dublin, to conduct a survey of nonprofit and voluntary organisations to assess fundraising methods and how organisations are coping with the recession.
The survey will help to address this gap in information and it is planned to conduct the study on an annual basis.
The survey questions are aimed at CEOs and Heads of Fundraising. In order to complete the survey it will be necessary to have financial income information, such as annual report figures, to hand. Only one response per organisation can be submitted.
A final report based on the information received will be available and should prove to be of direct benefit to charities in their fundraising planning. The information gathered will contribute to establishing a body of knowledge on fundraising and how fundraising methods and individual sub-sectors are performing. Over time, information gathered in this survey will enable the Centre to track the performance of fundraising organisations in Ireland.
All the information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and it will not be possible to identify any single organisation in the final report.
The questionnaire can be obtained from Geraldine Prizeman at pr******@tc*.ie. The closing date is Friday 13th February 2009

