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Seeking feedback using UserVoice

Howard Lake | 10 November 2008 | Blogs

I’m always keen to hear of ways UK Fundraising could be improved. I can think of several, and we’re always working on new ideas and tweaks to the site, but if you’ve got an idea, let us know.
I’ve just set up a new service to help make this easier. At
you’ll find our feedback forum, using the free service of User Voice.
It lets people make suggestions about the site. Equally it could be used to solicit feedback about a blog, a product, an organisation.
So, I’ve got two reasons in setting up this trial services. First, I want to find out how UK Fundraising could be improved. Secondly, I want to demo this service to give charities ideas about how they might benefit from such a feedback service.
One thing that User Voice could do is extend the number of widgets they offer to promote this service. Currently, there’s just the one – the ‘feedback’ tab that you should over to the right of the page.

