CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

And the first shall be last…

Howard Lake | 20 June 2008 | Blogs

I pulled a news item off this website today, which is not something I do often. There was nothing wrong with it in terms of accuracy or being under an embargo.
I did it to help a friend get further publicity for a project he was running.
Yes, I stopped publicising an initiative in order for it to gain more widespread attention. Unusual eh? And not at my friend’s request.
But I was told that another publication wouldn’t publish details of the project because it had already appeared on UK Fundraising.
I called their bluff and offered to remove the story. My friend rang back to tell me that yes, in that case, the other publication would now feature it.
So, the story is no longer on UK Fundraising, and will go up on the day that the other publication publishes an item on it. So, my friend gets extra publicity (with any luck) and the other publication gets to look like it was first to publish a story that broke several days before.
Now isn’t that an odd approach? About the only benefit to UK Fundraising is that my ego has been boosted considerably knowing that this other publication regards the site as such a competitor.
You read it here first folks. Well, almost.

