Arts to go in search of big money

Howard Lake | 9 June 2008 | News

A plan to encourage more philanthropy as a source of funding for the arts is being prepared by the Arts Council in the Irish Republic. It has asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Martin Cullen for his assistance in developing such a culture.
In its annual review of 2007, which was released yesterday Arts Council said philanthropy is an under-utilised source of funding for the arts.
The council said it is looking for ways to fund its plans to bring more art to people here adding that “the new Ireland should expect and encourage those who have prospered most to give back to national life”.
Chair of the Arts Council Olive Braiden said: “We Irish recognise that with that great personal wealth comes a responsibility to give, to display the generosity, wisdom and quiet patriotism that fosters those aspects of human endeavour that bestow life with meaning and possibility.
“Such generosity, if awakened and harnessed — in conjunction with the work of the Arts Council — would significantly enhance the flowering of the arts which has already begun,” she added.
The Arts Council said it will outline to the minister by the end of June its plan for encouraging philanthropy.

