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Football Foundation grants £246,128 to Crime Concern Trust

Howard Lake | 11 March 2008 | News

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The Football Foundation

The Crime Concern Trust Ltd has been awarded a grant of £246,128 from the Football Foundation, the UK’s largest sports charity, to implement the Kings Norton Positive Futures multi-sport and social inclusion programme on three estates in the Birmginham area. The project is receiving further funding from New Deal For Communities.
The programme will increase young people’s knowledge on the risks of obesity while emphasising the positive elements in
taking part in regular exercise, as well as providing the opportunity to gain sporting qualifications such as FA Level 1 and 2 coaching, Community Sports Leader Awards (CSLA), Young Leaders Awards, first aid, child protection and risk assessment.
Although focusing on football, other activities such as dance, basketball and extreme sports will be included as well as the chance to compete in regular tournaments, local leagues and inter area competitions.
Paul Thorogood, Chief Executive of the Football Foundation, said: “Football is proactively strengthening communities in truly amazing ways. It is thanks to the investment by the Premier League, The FA and the Government that the Football Foundation exists to support projects like Kings Norton Positive Futures.”

