Members try out new Institute website
Members of some of the regional groups of the Institute of Fundraising are being invited to test the Institute’s redeveloped website and to confirm their registration details.
The new website will enable the Institute and the volunteer organisers of its regional and special interest groups to communicate more efficiently with their members.
Members of the London region of Institute have received an invitation with details of accessing the test site, and are encouraged to visit it and register in the “Members’ Only” area in the top right hand corner.
Non-members of the Institute were invited to sign-up and fill in their details on the on-line form by clicking on “sign up” in the top right corner.
The redeveloped site moves away from the frames-based approach used by the current site, making it easier to navigate and to link to individual pages from other sites.
New tools include a calendar of events for Institute events and regional/special interest group events, and an online forum for each of those groups.