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Open University encourages former students to foster access to education

Howard Lake | 7 February 2007 | Newswire

The Open University is developing its legacy giving programme with a portfolio of new mailing materials developed by direct marketing agency Burnett Works.
An initial mailing to selected alumni has exceeded targets, both in terms of potential income generated and recruiting new donors. Over two-thirds of those who responded positively had not previously given to the Open University.
Karen Hart, Legacy Officer at the Open University, commented, Burnett Works worked brilliantly within our brand guidelines to completely refresh our legacy offering.”
The core proposition of the new materials is based on the Open University’s social mission to ensure access to education for all, and the creative solution is direct and people-focused. Alumni are invited to leave a gift in their will to ensure that other would-be students can ‘share the experience; share the knowledge; share the confidence’ offered by an OU degree. All the materials demonstrate the ongoing need for legacy income, however modest, and encourage potential donors to inform the university of their intentions.
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For further media information and images:
Gillian Egan
Burnett Works
Telephone: 020 7841 3076
Email: gi*********@bu***********.com

