New Blue Peter appeal launched

Howard Lake | 2 December 2006 | News

The Blue Peter Shoe Biz Appeal has been launched with Unicef as the recipient charity for 2006/07 – and has already garnered over 25,000 pairs of shoes.
Viewers can take secondhand shoes to ‘Shoe Biz’ collection points around the country and they will then be recycled and converted into cash for the appeal which will help Unicef’s ‘Children’s Corner’s initiative in Malawi.

A new service will help people find their nearest drop-off point. Postcode Anywhere enables people to type their postcode into a box on the website and it will then tell them where their nearest collection points are.

Postcode Anywhere also provides services to charities to help them iminmise costs and use donations to the full through cutting-edge technology. It can, for example, enable capture of addresses from a postcode or part address, ensuring donor details are accurate and that Gift Aid confirmations are delivered to the right person. It also has the ability to plot donors on a map to show where campaigns have been particularly successful.


