Irish government opens integration fund

Howard Lake | 4 October 2006 | News

The Irish Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform has established a new Immigrant Integration Fund to contribute to the successful integration of immigrants and their familes. The money will be distributed to national and non-government bodies.

Of the ‚€5 million Fund to support integration work, ‚€3 million will be directed to non-government organisations. ‚€1 million will be available for national and regional organisations working in this sector under the Fund for Non Government National and Regional Organisations to Support the Integration of Legally Resident Immigrants.

‚€2 million will be made available for designated Partnership Companies under the Fund for Partnership Initiatives to Support the Integration of Legally Resident Immigrants. It is envisaged that the activities generated under of both these funding streams will complement one another and add value to other initiatives under the overall national strategy.


There are two strands to this funding:
1. One strand for Area-based Partnerships and Community Partnerships
2. One strand for Non-Government Organisations

Guidelines and applications can be downloaded from The closing date for applications is 30th October 2006.

