UK Fundraising in Dublin next week

Howard Lake | 17 September 2006 | News

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake and Lindsey Hood will be in Dublin next week for the Fundraising Ireland 2006 conference. Lindsey will be staying on and is available to meet up with potential advertisers or commercial partners.

UK Fundraising’s publisher Howard Lake is one of the speakers at next week’s Fundraising Ireland 2006 conference. He will be joined by Lindsey Hood, UK Fundraising’s advertising sales manager, so if you will be at the event do say hello.

Lindsey will be staying in Dublin for the Friday to meet with a number of UK Fundraising’s contacts. If you’d like to take the opportunity to discuss how your organisation can make use of UK Fundraising’s content for fundraisers in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, do get in touch with Lindsey on 020 770 6284.


