Government opens community grants scheme

Howard Lake | 27 August 2006 | News

The Irish government has opened its annual Community and Voluntary Grants Scheme. The programme will provide grants for a mixture of small capital items and education and training.

The programme covers three main grant areas:

— Equipment and Refurbishment Grants (Up to a maximum of euro 40,000)
— Equipment Grants (Up to a maximum of euro 10,000)
— Education, Training and Research Grants (Up to a maximum of euro 10,000)


While there is no closing date for the Scheme of Refurbishment, groups are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible as funding is limited.

The closing date for the receipt of applications under the Scheme for Equipment, and the Scheme of Training, Education and Research is September 25th, 2006.

Application forms and full details of the programme guidelines can be accessed from or by contacting the Dept of Community Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs on: 071 – 918 67 59 / 918 67 61 / 918 67 63.

The address to which you must send your completed application form is

Voluntary and Community Supports,
Dept of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs,
Teeling St,
Co. Sligo.

