Dormant Accounts deadlines approach

Howard Lake | 13 June 2006 | News

Two rounds of funding under the Dormant Accounts Fund in Ireland are approaching their deadlines over the next few weeks. Applications to support prisoner and ex-prisoners will close on 30th June and a fund for those affected by alcohol related harm will close on the 14th July.

Applications are invited under the ‘Supports for Prisoners / Ex Prisoners’ measure. ‚€0.5 million is available for addiction counselling and employment support projects for prisoners and ex prisoners. ‚€1 million is available for projects tackling alcohol related harm.

An allocation of ‚€60 million has been approved for the Dormant Accounts Fund in 2006. The breakdown of this figure under the various categories is as follows:


A. Economic & Social Disadvantage 40% or ‚€24 million
B. Educational Disadvantage 30% or ‚€18 million
C. Persons with a Disability 30% or ‚€18 million

The roll out of funding is being co-ordinated by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs which is the lead Department in the implementation of the 2006 Dormant Accounts Funding Programme.

