Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

CAF to speak at UK Fundraising Perfect Pitch – Gift Aid

Charities Aid Foundation has confirmed that it will be presenting at UK Fundraising’s Perfect Pitch – Gift Aid on 28 June in London.

CAF will be joining HMRC and other organisations with Gift Aid specialisms at the event, to be held at Inmarsat Conference Centre in London’s City Road, just by the Old Street roundabout and tube station.

CAF’s Director of Research Cathy Pharoah presented at last year’s Perfect Pitch – Gift Aid, offering valuable information on trends and developments in Gift Aid.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

This year, Cathy will also discuss trends in the wider context of income generation and the particular challenges facing smaller charities.

There is no charge to attend Perfect Pitch – Gift Aid, and complimentary refreshments and a wine reception are part of the day. However, last year’s Gift Aid event was the most popular we have run so far, so book now to reserve your place.

The timetable is yet to be confirmed, but we will email delegates to keep them updated.

