British Heart Foundation launches £1 million Valentine Appeal

Howard Lake | 31 January 2006 | News

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has launched its 2006 Valentine Appeal to raise £1 million to fund 30 new BHF Heart Nurses, with the public being directed to an appeal microsite.

Marketing activity for the appeal began this week with nationwide billboard, poster and press adverts. The images, based on a real heart patient, feature an image of a young patient having undergone heart surgery, with the message: “Sorry Emma, there’s only one BHF Heart Nurse for every 12,000 patients.”

The appeal asks the public to ‘give a gift that saves lives’ this Valentine’s Day and directs them to the appeal’s micro site to donate.


The appeal is supported through corporate partnerships, the launch of the microsite, a new “homepage hijack” where the charity’s front page is dedicated to the appeal, community fundraising mailings, and BHF shop activity.

Jackie Skeel, Head of Fundraising Campaigns at the British Heart Foundation, emphasised the need for the Valentine Appeal: “We have pulled all the stops out for this year’s Valentine Appeal and we hope that it will encourage people to visit the website and help raise funds for BHF Heart Nurses.”

