Concern asks for unclaimed bus money

Howard Lake | 2 January 2006 | News

Paddy McGuinness, deputy chief executive of Concern, has called on Dublin Bus to use refund ticket money for charity. Some ‚€1 million worth of refund tickets remained unclaimed last year, according to the company.

Refund tickets are issued in lieu of cash to passengers who do not have the correct fare when beginning their journey. Around 75% of tickets are claimed and charities have invited people to donate unwanted refund tickets since the auto-fare scheme was introducted in 1999 but collection difficulties has meant that a large amount is still not going to charity.

Mr McGuinness has suggested that Dublin Bus install boxes on its fleet where passengers could deposit unwanted tickets. Dublin Bus argues that refund tickets cannot be donated to charity by them because they do belong to the company.


“If there’s a will, there’s a way,” McGuinness says.

Under its community support programme Dublin Bus donates almost ‚€250,000 annually to local charities.

