Reconciliation fund calls for applications

Howard Lake | 13 December 2005 | News

The Northern Ireland Fund for Reconciliation is calling for applications to its Major Grants Programme. NIFR is a charitable non-political organisation, established by Senator George Mitchell and leaders of the political parties in Northern Ireland which signed the Good Friday Agreeement.

The Fund’s purpose it to provide support for programmes and projects designed to promote reconciliation in Northern Ireland through community development, education and humanitarian relief.

The NIFR is restricted to making grants to organisations which are recognised as charities by the Inland Revenue.


It is the policy of NIFR to focus on supporting organisations which have a track record of grant-aiding and/or establishing and running programmes aimed at promoting reconciliation in Northern Ireland through community development, education, and humanitarian relief. Organisations which meet these criteria are invtied to apply for funding to support either new or the continuation/enhancement of existing programmes.

The level of individual grants under the major grants programme will normally be within the range of £25,000 to £70,000.

Further information including the guidelines for the submission of applications should be obtained from the NIFR office.

c/o Vice-Chancellor’s General Office, Queen’s University Belfast, BT7 1NN

Completed applications should be returned to Professor Sean Fulton at the above address not ater than 4.00pm, Tuesday 24 January 2006.

