Irish charity boss calls for more corporate support

Howard Lake | 3 October 2005 | News

The head of one of the country’s leading charities says that corporate Ireland needs to become more aware and supportive of charities here. Jonathan Irwan is the founder and chief executive of the Jack and Jill Foundation.

The Foundation provides early intervention home respite to severely handicapped developmentally delayed babies.

According to Jonathan Irwan big business tends to support the bigger charities.


He says it’s important that the business sector support other charities with a steady stream of funding.

“They haven’t yet got that American ethos of giving to everyday charities on a regular basis”, Mr Irwan said.

It is very tax-efficient nowadays, he added.

“If only they could read the letters we get everyday¦it would turn their hearts”, said Mr Irwan.

The Foundation recently shared ‚€65,000 as part of stockbrokers NCB’s charity fundraising day. iCross and Enable Ireland were also supported.

