Foundations supporting Irish causes merge

Howard Lake | 25 September 2005 | News

The Irish Youth Foundation and the Lawlor Foundation which provide grants for Irish causes in Ireland and Britain have merged. The Irish Youth Foundation (UK) was founded in 1989 and, since its inception, has raised more than £2.75 million for programmes which support socially, educationally or culturally disadvantaged young Irish people between the ages of 0-25. The Lawlor Foundation was established in 1988 by Edward and Virginia Lawlor in memory of their son, Peter. Since that time it has donated over £2.2 million to charitable causes.

Applications for grants from the Irish Youth Foundation (UK) are now invited from organisations working with young Irish people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with the exception of large and national charities.

Funding will be provided for a wide range of projects including:


–Drug rehabilitation
–Youth Work
–Family Support
–Educational, cultural & social activities

Grants for organisations in England, Scotland and Wales fall into three categories: Small grants up to £2,500; Medium grants for over £2,500 and under £12,000, and Large grants for one year or more ranging from £12,000 – £25,000.

The Irish Youth Foundation (UK) and the Irish Youth Foundation (Ireland) have established a joint fund to provide support for community and voluntary groups in Northern Ireland. Organisations in Northern Ireland are invited to apply for grants of up to £5,000.

The closing date for applications is Monday 10 October 2005. Applications received after this date will not be considered in this round of disbursements.

Application forms are available by clicking the link below or from:
Linda Tanner,
Irish Youth Foundation,
The Irish Centre,
Blacks Road,
W6 9DT
Tel: 020 8748 9640

