Women marketers closing pay gap

Howard Lake | 5 September 2005 | News

The annual Rewards Survey of The Chartered Institute of Marketing members indicates that female marketers are closing in on men in terms of pay and rewards.

Women have narrowed the gap from 17.6% in 1995 to 2.8% in this latest survey, published today. Indeed, the survey reveals that in junior management positions at least women are earning around 5.6% more than their male colleagues.

Other key findings of the report show that pay increases for marketing professionals averaged 3.0% in the last 12 months with a third receiving a bonus equivalent to 10% of salary. It finds that senior marketers are now paid between 6% and 9% more than other functions within organisations, with the manufacturing sector topping the scale.


Commenting on the report Christine Cryne, chief executive at The Chartered Institute of Marketing, said; “This is the twenty-third year for the Rewards Survey, which is jointly conducted by us and Croner Reward… Admittedly gender based inequality still exists but the survey indicates that, at least within marketing, discrimination is diminishing.”

The survey covered public, private and voluntary sectors, but there was no analysis of male/female salary scales within single sectors, so it’s not possible to determine how the voluntary sector is performing in this area.

