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Henry urges Irish anti-racism charities to seek grants

Howard Lake | 31 August 2005 | News

Arsenal captain Thierry Henry has urged community groups in Ireland to apply for grants from a ‚€1.46m fund to tackle racism. The money is coming from the sale of five million Stand Up Speak Up wristbands, black and white interlocking bands which have been modelled by sports stars including Henry.

Money raised by the wristbands for the Stand Up Speak Up fund is being distributed by independent Belgian fund the King Baudouin Foundation to support anti-racism projects across Europe.

The Football Foundation – the UK’s biggest sports charity – has been awarded ‚€1.46m from the King Baudouin Foundation to hand out to organisations in the UK and Ireland who will use it to tackle racism.


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The Arsenal and French International striker welcomed the new partnership with the Football Foundation and urged groups to apply for funding.

Football has made great strides to combat racism within the game but there is still more work to be done,” he said.

I urge organisations throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland to get in touch with the Foundation to apply for funds to enable them to continue or create projects within their communities.

We need to drive home the message that racism in football and in society is unacceptable – together we can make a difference, Henry said.

Simon Taylor, a spokesman for the Football Foundation, said the charity was excited about working in Ireland for the first time.

