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NCVO CEO receives Outstanding Achievement award

Howard Lake | 21 June 2005 | News

Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), received the award for Outstanding Achievement in charity management at last week’s Charity Awards 2005 ceremony organised by Charity Finance magazine.

Appointed Chief Executive of NCVO in 1994, Mr Etherington is a leading commentator on the sector. Throughout his career he has been involved in the leadership of voluntary organisations and policies surrounding them. Prior to taking the helm at NCVO, he was Chief Executive of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People.

Mr Etherington is a trustee of Business in the Community and Treasurer of CIVICUS (World Alliance for Civil Society). He is the Chair of the BBC Appeals Advisory Committee and a member of the Community and Social Affairs Committee of Barclays Bank.


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His recent Government appointments include the Treasury’s Standing Committee on Euro Preparations and the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit. He has also served on the Cabinet Office Performance and Innovation Unit’s Advisory Board on the Voluntary Sector and HM Treasury’s Cross Cutting Review on the role of the Voluntary Sector. He is a member of the ministerial Advisory Group of the Active Community Unit.

