Street fundraisers raise £4,500 for DEC Tsunami appeal

Howard Lake | 18 February 2005 | News

Employees of Oxford-based DialogueDirect Fundraising, which operates street fundraising teams nationwide for a number of charities, raised more than £4,500 for the Disaster Emergency Committees’ (DEC) Tsunami appeal during January.

DialogueDirect will be making a donation to the DEC for every donor its fundraisers signed-up in January 2005.

Owen Watkins, DialogueDirect Fundraising’s Managing Director, said his fundraisers had been so greatly moved and affected by the disaster they wanted to do even more to help with the worldwide effort to raise much needed funds.


He said: “our fundraisers do the job they do because they care and want to make a difference. Add to this the fact many of them had friends or family travelling or working in the affected areas, and you’ll understand the repercussions have been felt keenly amongst our staff.”

DialogueDirect Fundraising, part of The Dialog Group, works with a number of charities, including the British Red Cross, Mencap, Greenpeace UK, Plan UK, Amnesty International UK and Sense.

