New list of funders of fundraising consultancy

Howard Lake | 1 December 2004 | News

Wootton George Consulting has published a very useful list of funders who will consider helping charities by paying for fundraising and other consultancy work.

Stafford-based fundraising consultancy Wootton George Consulting has published the list of funders and suggested avenues for funding on their new Web site.

The list is likely to be of particular interest to smaller or newer charities. Director Simon George explained: “in our experience, smaller charities often have the greatest need for external advice and support, yet they are frequently disadvantaged when it comes to accessing the help they need. This is frustrating for all concerned as, very often, a little bit of help can make a great difference to a small organisation.


“We have put this list together in response to the many requests we get from smaller charities for advice in winning external funding to pay for our support. Over the years, about 15% of our work has been funded externally, so it is a very practical resource, which we are happy to make available via our website to groups needing fundraising consultancy.

Funders on the list range from charitable trusts, to lottery and statutory funding bodies. The latest addition is Business Link, which in many parts of the UK will pay for 50% of external assignments, provided the charity in question is also a limited company and that the consultant is listed on the National Business Link Register of Consultants.

Wootton George Consulting themelves are currently conducting assignments on behalf of two charities, part-funded by Business Link, as Simon George is on the National Register.

