Getting started with Bluesky for charities and EURO RSCG Interaction support Crusaid in their first online World AIDS Day appeal

Howard Lake | 26 November 2004 | News

Crusaid – the national fundraiser for HIV and AIDS – will be launching their flagship World AIDS Day online appeal across the Gaydar network.
The Crusaid World AIDS Day appeal, Crusaid’s first completely online campaign will be utilising buttons, banners and skyscrapers donated by Euro RSCG Interaction, a leading integrated marketing communications agency. It has been estimated that the appeal could raise up to £5000 for Crusaid which will go towards helping people living with HIV & AIDS.
This partnership with and Euro RSCG Interaction is an awareness raising campaign which aims to raise money for Crusaid and to promote a wider understanding amongst members. Visitors logging on to Gaydar, Gaydar Girls, Gaydar Radio and the Rainbow Network will be presented with a number of banners and advertisements based on real-life scenarios of people who access the Crusaid Hardship Fund. Clicking on any of the banners will enable members to donate quickly and easily through a bespoke donation micro site.

