Conference on face-to-face fundraising

Howard Lake | 30 March 2004 | News

Professional Fundraising magazine is hosting a one-day conference on face-to-face fundraising at City University, London on 27 April 2004.

It might be the most successful donor recruitment technique in recent years but face-to-face fundraising has been criticised from many quarters. Sensational headlines in the popular media, proposed new regulation and licensing and differing views within the fundraising profession all make for challenging times for face-to-face fundraising.

Professional Fundraising’s one-day conference will look at different aspects of face-to-face, how we do it, current and proposed licensing, public attitudes, and what charities should be doing next.


Speakers include Ken Burnett, Cascaid; Anne-Marie Piper, Farrers; Ian MacQuillin, Professional Fundraising; Cathy Sullivan, Fundraising Initiatives; and Anne Bolitho, NCDS.

The one-day event will also include discussion groups on issues such as defending F2F in the media, better ways to do F2F, and wow to respond to councils.

The fee per delegate is £90 + VAT for charities and non-profits, and £130 + VAT for all other organisations.

