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Camelot seeks online feedback about maximising lottery sales

Howard Lake | 18 March 2004 | News

Does maximising lottery ticket sales bring about social benefits through helping more good causes? Lottery operator Camelot plc is seeking public feedback on this and other
social impact issues of the National Lottery.

How can increasing sales to maximise returns to Good Causes be achieved in a socially responsible way? Camelot and AccountAbility, the Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability, are inviting public contributions in an e-mail debate to be held from 5 to 13 April 2004.

The debate welcomes contributions on questions such as: does the social benefit of increasing sales always outweigh any negative effects from ‘irresponsible gaming’? Do you agree that maximising sales brings about social benefits?


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You can preregister now to take part in the debate.

