WaterAid repeats Givewater.org idea with new sponsor

Howard Lake | 14 May 2003 | News

WaterAid is once again promoting a click-to-give site, this time with a new corporate sponsor.

The Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe is the latest sponsor offering to donate 10 (euro) cents for each click on the Web site to help WaterAid deliver safe, clean water and sanitation to people in Africa.

As of today, a total of 18,232.10 euro hads been raised at the aquaplastics.org site. Only one click per person per day qualifies for a donation.


The charity has set a target of 1.5 million clicks by June 22 2003 which would generate a total donation of 150,000 euros. It is using HTML e-mails with a viral element to ensure that the message is spread widely. The newsletter is signed by Fay Ripley, one of actors in TV’s ‘Cold Feet.’

The site is, appropriately enough for its European sponsor, available in six European languages. It includes a donation option with a prompted level of giving of £25, although that takes second place to a request for a regular monthly donation. At the bottom of the page, four further methods of giving are suggested – Direct Debit, telephone, CAF Card, and post.

WaterAid has a good track record in this area. Its 2001 click-to-give site Givewater.org raised £200,000 from corporate supporter Thames Water after it reached its target of 4 million clicks. The first £150,000 was released after just two weeks of visits: it was previously thought it would take three months to reach the target. The site is currently closed but will be relaunched.

