CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

Macmillan launches pilot corporate online raffle

Howard Lake | 4 July 2002 | News

Macmillan Cancer Relief has used the services of Charity Technology Trust to promote its first online raffle.
[CTT logo]The cancer charity promoted the raffle to the employees of one of its large corporate supporters. In just 11 days, 400 UK based employees gave £3,000.
Shell International pioneered CTT’s Corporate Raffles platform for Barnardo’s at Christmas 2001. The Corporate Raffle works within a firm, (via the intranet and e-mail) giving employees a quick and simple method of making donations direct from their desks.
The Community Relations Managers within the company that supported Macmillan Cancer Relief said “We held paper- based raffles in the past, in support of our charity of the year, but this new alternative of an e-mail based, online raffle is really immediate and exciting and saves us huge amounts of time. The detail of the reporting and level of analysis make this a great choice for charity fundraising efforts.”

