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US prospect research offered at discount

Howard Lake | 20 June 2000 | News

UK charities with US supporters are being offered at a discount the chance to conduct research into these donors’ wealth. Thomson Financial Wealth Identification (Wealth ID) is offering a group pricing arrangement for identifying and obtaining financial profiles on wealth-holders on their U.S. constituents and donors.

Wealth ID, the unit of Thomson Financial Services responsible for serving the non-profit sector, “is a leading provider of asset focused information on individuals”.

Wealth ID is offering its services at steeply discounted rates until 15 July 2000. During this period, participating UK non-profits will be able enjoy a special group rate for running their entire U.S. constituent file against Wealth ID’s exclusive databases. These contain all of the corporate insiders in America since 1985, over 52 million properties and more than 96 million households at a special group rate.


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For further details contact Jay Frost at Thomson Financial Wealth Identification.

