Poor online customer service from US non-profits

Howard Lake | 3 April 2000 | News

Michael Webb of Conference House reports in this month’s NFP TECHNO e-zine on a depressing survey of US charities’ online donor support.

Michael Webb of Conference House reports in this month’s NFP TECHNO e-zine on a depressing survey of US charities’ online donor support. The survey was originally reported in The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

An online donation was made to forty well-known US charities. Well, only 23 of them accepted gifts securely online. Six of these 23 organisations failed to acknowledge the gift within three months. Of the 17 charities requesting offline/paper-based donations, only six acknowledged them. Overall only 57% acknowleged the donations within 90 days.


It might be the New Economy, but bad old habits die hard.

Read Michael Webb’s report on the recent NSFRE conference in NFP TECHNO.

