Raise funds online via e-mail ads

Howard Lake | 21 February 2000 | News

RaiseFunds is to launch what they claim is a new method of raising funds using the Internet.

RaiseFunds is to launch what they claim is a new method of raising funds using the Internet. Individuals will earn income for charities by agreeing to receive targeted e-mail advertisements twice a week. They say that a regular user could raise up to £208 per year for their selected charity.

The site launches on 2 April but is accepting registrations already at www.raisefunds.org.uk. The site also makes confusing references to www.raisefunds.co.uk.


The concept of raising funds by viewing adverts was launched in 1997 by iGive.com, although that focused on Web-based adverts. Read UK Fundraising’s coverage of iGive. You can also read UK Fundraising’s coverage of click-to-give-for-free Web sites.

