Toys for Tots raised $475,000 in online Christmas campaign

Howard Lake | 27 January 2000 | News

US children’s charity Toys for Tots has raised $475,000 in online donations over the Thanksgiving to Christmas period.

US children’s charity Toys for Tots has raised $475,000 in online donations over the Thanksgiving to Christmas period. That represents nearly 10% of the non-profit’s annual income.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that other US non-profits also experienced successful online Christmases.


America’s Second Harvest received $36,586 in 200 donations between 29 November and 31 December. In the same period in1998 they received 70 gifts worth $9,125.

WNYC Public Radio raised $148,000 online in the last six months of 1999, up from $20,000 in the whole of 1998. On December 15 1999 alone, their “CyberDay”, they raised $33,000.

Oxfam America raised $5,000 from an e-card promotion with, and received $64,000 in online donations in the last six weeks of 1999. Fifty per cent of donors were new donors.

Washington-based radio station WAMU raised $20,500 online in the last weeks of December 1999, with the average donation $106, up from the average telephone donation of $85.

In the last two weeks of December 1999 online grocery service Webvan raised $730,000 online for three charities including the San Francisco Food Bank. Customers selected food items from the charities’ wish lists at Webvan, and these were then passed to the food bank charities.

The World Wildlife Fund reports that it raised $200,000 online in 1999.

Read Making Sure That the Clicks Stick by Holly Hunter at the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

