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Use spelling mistakes in META tags

Howard Lake | 18 July 1999 | News

A charity has discovered that including spelling mistakes in its META tags can help boost traffic to its site.

How do you spell ‘osteoporosis’? If you’re the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) then you know. Many Internet users, however, do not know. The NOS realised that when it looked at its Web site visitor reports: many of them were finding the site despite spelling the condition incorrectly.

The charity realised this was an opportunity for them. They therefore added the more common misspellings to their META tags and re-submitted the changed Web pages to search engines. As a direct result, twice as many people visited the site from Alta Vista each month than before the changes.


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This success was reported in the letters page of Internet.Works magazine by Geoff Edgcombe. He added that a listing on Yahoo! was worth perservering with. “I have been trying to get a listing for the National Osteoporosis Society for over three months,” wrote Geoff. “I have finally succeeded, resulting in treble the number of hits per month.”

