Fraud and scams
RNID and Sense have reissued their warnings about an alleged fundraising scam involving the door-to-door sale of deafblind alphabet cards.
UK Fundraising tracks reports of alleged and attempted fraud against charities. Occasionally it even features news of successful prosecutions against such scam-artists.
RNID and Sense have reissued their warnings about an alleged fundraising scam involving the door-to-door sale of deafblind alphabet cards. UK Fundraising tracks reports of alleged and attempted fraud against charities. Occasionally it even features news of successful prosecutions against such scam-artists.
Keep up to date with scams against charities. It is alarmingly easy to transfer a particular scam from one charity to another and from one region to another. If your charity has suffered from a scam and would like other charities to be forewarned and fore-armed, contact UK Fundraising.