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Nesta and NCVO to study crowdfunding in voluntary sector

Howard Lake | 13 January 2016 | News

Nesta, the innovation charity, is working with NCVO to explore how the community and voluntary sector can make the most of crowdfunding. They are beginning by conducting a short survey.
Crowdfunding in the UK continues to grow, transforming how individuals, businesses and some not-for-profit organisations raise money, and offering new opportunities to invest and spend money. However, Nesta believes that there is “relatively little usage” of crowdfunding by charities, social enterprises and community groups.
It has partnered with NCVO to try to understand why this might be, and to explore what could be done to help the sector make the most of the opportunities that crowdfunding present to these types of organisation.
Their short survey which explores charities, social enterprises and community groups’ awareness, perception and use of crowdfunding. The two organisations are inviting charity staff and volunteers and anyone involved “in any form of fundraising” to take part in the survey.
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and is open to organisations of all sizes from across the UK.
It will close on 15 February 2016. All respondents will be given the chance to win a £250 donation to a charity of their choice.
The results of the research will be published later this year.

